Counselling Services

When grief and loss have impacted us, the relationship we engage in with them can’t help but affect every dimension of our lives.  As your counsellor, I can sit with you in the midst of the chaos and the mess and help you to work through it. 

“All the fine art of living lies in a fine mingling of letting go and holding on”

 - Havelock Ellis

If you would like to explore what counselling could look like for your grief and loss experience, please reach out.

You might be experiencing some of these symptoms:

  • grieving the passing of your beloved pet,
  • the loss of a marriage
  • the loss of a relationship or friendship
  • the loss of your identity
  • the grieving of your past
  • the loss of a job
  • the loss of health
  • ageing

We tend to align grief and loss only to the passing of someone that we love.  And whilst this is an extremely important reason for engaging in grief counselling and I encourage it, It could also look like:

  • Not being able to think clearly
  • Memory blocks
  • Not being able to sleep well
  • Not being able to eat well
  • Not being able to get out of bed or leave the house
  • Isolation
  • Feeling like you’ve died too
  • Regrets
  • Shame
  • Guilt
  • Anxiety
  • Anger
  • Denial
  • Not being able to cry - or not being able to stop crying

Therapy for Grief and Loss

As humans we are all unique, we may have similarities but we are each individual.  Therefore it’s not surprising that we will all experience grief and loss in our own way and in our own timeline.  Think of grief and loss like a fingerprint...each one unique...hence none of us will experience grief and loss exactly the same way, and we all will have a relationship with them in our own way.

The stages of grief are not linear, they don’t follow a model or a plan.  You may have heard of Elizabeth Kubler-Ross’ model or stages of grief?  This is certainly helpful for gaining some understanding of how we travel through grief, however, grief is not neat and tidy - we don’t follow a set of steps and then discover a magical finish line.  If only!  Our brains and our bodies just don’t work that way.  Grief is chaotic.  Grief is messy.  Grief shows up differently for all of us.

Ultimately, grief and loss are an “emotional and physical response to the loss or death of someone or something, as the mind and psyche experience a free fall of mixed emotions, with potentially lasting impact on our wellbeing” 

(Edy Nathan, 2023).

Schedule Your Free Enquiry Consultation

Are you considering professional counselling but would like to have a chat first?  I'd love to connect with you before you commit to your Intake Session.

I offer a free 20-minute consultation via an online or phone appointment.  This is a great opportunity for us to discuss what has led you to seek counselling and how you envision your life after therapy.

Schedule your free enquiry session now by clicking on the button below, and I'll be in touch within 24 business hours.  If you haven't heard back within that time, please check your spam or junk folder, as sometimes my emails can land there.

I look forward to meeting you.

Warmly, Nikole

So What Actually is Professional Counselling?

I think a good place for us to start is by taking a brief look at what professional counselling is, what is a professional counsellor in Australia, and what kinds of issues professional counselling can help with.

So What Actually is Professional Counselling?

I think a good place for us to start is by taking a brief look at what professional counselling is, what is a professional counsellor in Australia, and what kinds of issues professional counselling can help with.

Things to Read

So What Actually is Professional Counselling?

I think a good place for us to start is by taking a brief look at what professional counselling is, what is a professional counsellor in Australia, and what kinds of issues professional counselling can help with.


The information presented on this website by Nikole Egan is for the purpose of general information and should not be considered as a substitute for professional or medical advice.  It is important that you discuss specific symptoms and medical conditions with your health professional.

This website is not a crisis service.  If you are in Australia and in danger or someone you know is in danger, please call emergency immediately on 000.  

Please contact Lifeline 24/7 for crisis counselling on 13 11 14.

If you are experiencing an abusive or violent relationship, please contact 1800RESPECT on 1800 737 732 or, which operates 24/7.

Please use this form to send us a message. 
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I'll be in touch within 24 business hours.  If you haven't heard back within that time, please check your spam or junk folder, as sometimes my emails can land there.

Reach out  today!

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