Counselling Services
Symptoms of trauma may present themselves immediately after the event but they may also develop over time. This is particularly the case with anyone who has experienced trauma as a child or young person. We all develop our own coping mechanisms in order to keep ourselves ‘safe’. It is critical that we take the approach of not judging these symptoms but allowing ourselves or our loved ones the space for:
“As long as you keep secrets and suppress information, you are fundamentally at war with yourself...The critical issue is allowing yourself to know what you know. That takes an enormous amount of courage.”
― Bessel A. van der Kolk, The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma
You do not have to navigate this alone, please reach out if you would like a free consultation.
Therapy for Trauma
Trauma is complex and impacts both the person experiencing it and those around them. Put simply, trauma is a wound that is psychological which is also experienced physically, emotionally, and spiritually. It’s important to note that we can all respond to traumatic events in varied ways. This means it’s possible for two people to experience the same event - and one is able to recover over time with the love and support of people around them and be able to leave the experience behind them. However, another person will find that the event has caused long lasting emotional and psychological disturbances that are distressing and impacts their daily living and relationships. These symptoms may manifest in many ways such as numbness, disassociation, anxiety disorders, mood disorders, eating disorders, post traumatic stress disorder, addictions, shock, confusion - just to name a few examples.
Most people will experience some form of trauma within their lifespan. Examples of these experiences may show up as an event or even a series of events such as, but certainly not limited to: a violent criminal act, a sudden tragic loss of a loved one, an abusive or neglectful relationship, an accident, exposure to war or violence, and natural disasters.
Symptoms of trauma that you or someone you care about may be experiencing could look like:
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So What Actually is Professional Counselling?
So What Actually is Professional Counselling?
Things to Read
So What Actually is Professional Counselling?
The information presented on this website by Nikole Egan is for the purpose of general information and should not be considered as a substitute for professional or medical advice. It is important that you discuss specific symptoms and medical conditions with your health professional.
This website is not a crisis service. If you are in Australia and in danger or someone you know is in danger, please call emergency immediately on 000.
Please contact Lifeline 24/7 for crisis counselling on 13 11 14.
If you are experiencing an abusive or violent relationship, please contact 1800RESPECT on 1800 737 732 or, which operates 24/7.
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